I am a Northumbrian artist, I was born in Rothbury in 1951 and raised in Alnwick and I now live in Washington, Co. Durham, with my wife. We have two children and as a family we would regularly go for country walks, especially into woodland, which attracts me like a magnet.

This beautiful landscape that we have been gifted to walk on inspires me, I am not a slave to her, I take from her what I want, those things that touch me, the many varied moments (often just seconds) that I am lucky enough to see and, then utilise. I have never lost the feeling, that personal emotion deep inside that makes me want to paint. To this day I still remain mesmerised, seeing a scene materialise onto the canvas/paper.
I work in acrylic, oil and watercolour and I try to capture and convey my feelings of a particular scene.
I tutored for the Workers Education Association (WEA) for 25 years and have also demonstrated and tutored workshops for many Art Societies throughout the Northeast.
I am a self-taught artist and after 30+ years of painting professionally, I am proud that many of my paintings are now in homes throughout the UK and abroad.
All of the paintings are priced at £350
The size of the actual painting is approximately 14" x 10"