Community Consultation Event

Redevelopment of the Town Hall Archway/Tunnel and Creation of the Cornish Trail. The Council would like to consult with its community on the above projects.

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The Town Council would like to consult with its community on the above two projects which we consider to be two exciting opportunities that will capture the heritage of our Town.

2019 sees the centenary of the birth of Norman Cornish, who was born and raised in Spennymoor and who spent his time working down the mine whilst also painting the local area and the community, before going onto to become a full-time and internationally recognised artist.

There are a number of art exhibitions across County Durham planned for 2019 including one in the Town Hall to commemorate the Norman Cornish centenary.

However, Spennymoor Town Council would also like to seek your views on us creating a lasting legacy of Norman Cornish and his work within Spennymoor, his home Town.

It is hoped that the majority of the projects will be paid for by grant funding which the Town Council is applying for and from the Cornish Family. We are already through to the second round of funding with the AAP and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Plus, five County Councillors who represent various wards in Spennymoor have already committed £5,000 each in order to get the project off the ground.

The projects are based around heritage, art and history and will link in with the current Town Hall Bob Abley Art Gallery and the Durham Mining Museum.

It is hoped that undertaking these works will encourage visitors to the Town, boost spending and be a catalyst for further Town Centre development and regeneration, (A similar scheme in Berwick has seen an additional 6000 visitors per annum).

As part of the project, and as well as a leaflet and map, it is proposed a mobile phone compatible ‘APP’ will be created to use on the Trail which will start in the Town Hall Archway.  This will give visitors the ability to park in the car park to the rear and make use of the public toilets if required, so an ideal starting point.

We are hoping that local people who know Norman’s art will contribute to the ‘APP’ by having their memories recorded and included on the ‘APP’, so that visitors can hear your personal stories about his work and the times he captured through his art. If you would be willing to participate in this please provide your information on the attached form.

Consultation Questionnaire


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