One priority that was made clear by residents at the May election and is being worked on, is the implementation of open, relevant, timely, informative engagement by Spennymoor Town Council with residents.
With this in mind the Council are about to launch the Town Mayor Blog.
The Mayor, Cllr Ian Machin, and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Clive Maddison, will use this forum to regularly update the communities of Spennymoor as to what is happening, when and why and how you can get involved.
The Blog will launch on 7th August 2017 and you can access it via the Town Council website at www.spennymoor-tc.gov.uk under the ‘Your Council’ ‘Meet your Councillors’ section or put the following in your browser: https://spennymoor-tc.gov.uk/council/#meetyourcouncillors
So come on, log on and see the Mayor blog on.
Further, the Council is also holding an open day in the Town Hall on Saturday 21st October where you can come and tell the Council what your priorities are for the Town and receive updates on actions being taken by the Council.
A further notice will be published with times nearer the date.