The 2023/24 AGAR document includes the annual Internal Auditor’s report (page 3), the Annual Governance Statement (page 4) and the Annual Accounting Statements (page 5). The statement of accounts is unaudited and may be subject to change.
The Town Council has submitted the AGAR and supporting evidence to the Council’s External Auditors and they will complete the External Auditor’s Report and Certificate (page 6) when they have completed the audit.
The public has the right to inspect the accounts for 2023/24, and the 30 working day statutory period for inspection begins on 27th June 2024 and runs to 7th August 2024.
Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounts to be audited and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts relating to them. These documents will be available on reasonable notice (i.e. you must book an appointment) on application to:
Ian Morris, Town Clerk
Spennymoor Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Spennymoor DL16 6DG
01388 815276
An explanation of the variances in the accounting statements is available here
The statutory notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights is available here
You can read a summary of the public rights relating to the AGAR process here
The Council’s External Auditor is Mazars LLP, The Corner, Bank Chambers, 26 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF
Email: local.councils@mazars.co.uk