SPENNYMOOR Town Council is asking residents to name their community priorities.
Since May 2021, the Council has worked hard to develop a short to long term strategy, enabling it to deliver projects that will have maximum benefit for residents.
A wealth of exciting projects are already underway, but now it’s time to have your say!
What has been done so far…
The Council secured almost £40,000 in grants, with applications submitted for a further £45,000+.
Having declared a Climate Change Emergency, a carbon reduction plan is being developed to achieve Investors in the Environment accreditation.
Spennymoor Gala Committee received £9,500 to secure the 2021 Gala and the Council committed further funding for this year’s event.
Grants were awarded to support attendance at sporting events, bus trips and community hampers.
Town Show, Party in the Park, Fireworks Display, Santa in the Town Hall, Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday events went ahead. Plans for 2022 include The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting and Armed Forces Day.
CCTV was upgraded in the Town Hall, and additional cameras installed in the Town Centre.
The Bob Abley Art Gallery has expanded, creating space showcasing Chris and Steve Rocks, twin artists, born and raised in Spennymoor.
The Council funded new boilers and heating systems for several community buildings.
Strong financial management, success in securing grants and income generated from the Bob Abley Art Gallery, means the Town Council portion of Council Tax precept will not increase.
So, what happens now?
The Council wants your views. What are your priorities for the short to long term?
Town Hall consultation will take place on Tuesday March 15, 6.30-7.30pm, followed by the Meeting of Electors/Town Meeting at 7.30pm, where you can ask the Council questions about its work.
If you cannot attend, there are other opportunities to contribute. Choose up to five priorities from the list below and send them to: info@spennymoor-tc.gov.uk or call: 01388 815276 with your picks. Please also submit your name and address as consultation is open only to residents of Spennymoor, Tudhoe, Byers Green, Kirk Merrington and Middlestone Moor.
Environment and Sustainability
- Declaring a Climate Change Emergency – ✅
- Survey of Town Council’s carbon impact
- Strategy for dealing with the Council’s carbon impact
- Cow Plantation Nature Reserve
- Paperless Office
- Council Vehicles – going hybrid/electric
Art and Leisure
- Art Gallery
- Allotments
- Community Centres
- Parks, Play Areas & Football Pitches
- Cow Planation Nature Reserve
- Cemeteries
- Dog Walking areas
- Sports Facilities
- Green Spaces
Community Engagement and Strength
- Engage and consult with people and businesses
- Provide grants and support to community groups and individuals
- Support and Leadership to and for Communities
- Business Engagement
- Community Website/Comms/Marketing Strategy
Growth and Development
- Promote and develop Spennymoor effectively as a place to live, work, play, shop and visit
- Work with the Area Action Partnership, Towns and Villages Fund
- Build relationships with businesses and traders
Health, Wellbeing and Community Safety
- Flower and tree planting
- Support and deliver community events and encourage organisations delivering these things
- Liaison with partners such as the Police, Durham County Council etc
- Staff and Member Wellbeing
- Accessibility and Inclusion
- Assets
- Local Council Award Scheme accreditation– Foundation, Quality, Quality Gold
- Maintain the General Power of Competence
- Ensure Accounts & Audits demonstrate good finance management and Council is well run
- Attract Staff and Councillors when vacancies arise